How to join Freemasonry

The only way to become a Freemason is to ask a Freemason!
Contrary to popular believes Freemason Lodges do not recruit new members by asking them to join.
To BE one, you must ASK one. This process is as old as the fraternity of Freemasonry itself and ensures that the individual who wishes to join a Freemason Lodge is doing so of his own desire and free will.
If you don’t know a Freemason in Malaga or on the Costa del Sol to ask then simply fill out the form on this page and someone of El Dorado Lodge will contact you to answer any questions that you have. Once you feel that you are ready to join then simply ask him.
At El Dorado Lodge we organise on a regular bases Open Days so as to provide opportunities to come and meet us in our Lodge in Malaga and to find out more about Freemasonry.
The mission of Freemasonry is to promote a way of life that binds like minded men into a worldwide Brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences; by teaching the great principles of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth: and, by the outward expression of these, through its fellowship, its compassion and its concern, to find ways in which each may serve his God, his family, his country, his neighbors and himself.”
- You must be a man at least 18 years of age.
- You must be of good moral character.
- You must have a personal belief in a Supreme Being (the definition of a Supreme Being is up to you)
- You must decide to become a Mason of “your own free will and accord”
- You will need to express your personal interest in joining the Fraternity.
- You must be dedicated to providing for your family
- You must have a sincere determination to conduct yourself in a manner that will earn the respect and trust of others and possess a desire to help others through service to your community and universal benevolence.
There are NO religious, political or racial restrictions for membership other than the aforementioned belief in a Supreme Being.