Blog – Videos and Articles About Freemasonry
As Above – So Below
In the words of Foster Bailey: “A symbol is an outer, visible, and tangible sign of an inner spiritual reality. If this is admitted, then behind all the outer forms of the Masonic work, latent in its rituals, and hidden behind the entire system of symbols, is some...
4 Good Reasons Why NOT to become a Freemason
Freemasonry has gotten a reputation as an organisation in decline. This is very much not true. What is true, however, is that Freemasonry, along with every other fraternal club, saw huge booms in the twentieth century, and those boom times are gone. Frankly, those...
The Rough and Perfect Ashlars
The lessons outlined here rely upon many symbols concerning education and the gaining of knowledge as a means of advancing, both morally and spiritually. However, there are other lessons to be gained by examining the stones themselves, notably the Rough Ashlar.
FreeThinking – FreeThoughts – FreeMasons
Those who think free will want to be in the company of others who also think freely. You do not want to get someone else’s opinion imposed. No dogmas. You seek your own route through life. But not lonely, not alone. You are looking for a place where people listen to each other. Search for answers to life questions. That is what Freemasons do.
The working tools of a Freemason
Freemasonry uses the implements of operative masonry to teach moral and ethical lessons, but these are only the beginning of the Freemasons Working Tools. To apply these rules to our working lives raises in my mind some very challenging questions. Which...
Self-Knowledge & Freemasonry
Only by truly knowing oneself we will achieve our masonic duty, namely to better the world by bettering our ourselves.
Famous Freemasons
Throughout the history of Freemasonry many men of influence and accomplishment have been drawn to the fellowship of the fraternity. Some, by society's standards, were successful men before they petitioned for membership. Others went on to accomplish great...