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What Makes a Freemason Regular?
Posted by: EditorFor many years I have struggled with the concept of regular freemasonry versus irregular freemasonry. I have asked myself the following questions: Why is it that of an estimated 6 million Freemasons worldwide, more...
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The Origin of European Freemasonry
Posted by: EditorI have recently started to read 19th and 18th-century books about Freemasonry as an ongoing study in the history and origin of Freemasonry.I have always been interested in the transition from the Guilds of...
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- Posted by: Editor
In the words of Foster Bailey: “A symbol is an outer, visible, and tangible sign of an inner spiritual reality. If this is admitted, then behind all the outer forms of the Masonic work, latent...
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The Changing Landmarks of Freemasonry
Posted by: EditorMasonic landmarks are a set of principles that many Freemasons claim to be ancient and unchangeable precepts of Masonry. Issues of the "regularity" of a Freemasonic Lodge, Grand Lodge or Grand Orient are judged...
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The role of the Speaker of the Lodge
Posted by: EditorIn the French and Scottish rites as well as many Grand Orients, the Speaker of the Lodge (Orator) is the fourth official of the Lodge. He sits in the East, to the left of...
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